The Medical Education Network or MedED is a free-for-view initiative delivered on the VisualLEARN© platform. It was created in conjunction with sponsors from the Pharmaceutical, Design and Development industries.
Our aim as founders was to provide a tool where Healthcare Practitioners from across Africa, could access credible, reliable Medical eLearning content and information in one website portal.
It is our hope that by consolidating medical education content from a wide variety of previously disparate sources we will make the process of access to digital eLearning and communication easier for the Healthcare Practitioners
Ultimately we’d like to see a higher adoption of digital medical education technologies, as we believe it is a solution to a number of current healthcare challenges.
The service is free to all Healthcare Practitioners from across Africa, and will always be.
Currently MedED delivers eLearning services to over 6500 practitioners who can access up-to-date eLearning content, medical news, information on congresses and a variety of other relevant information, with more planned for the future. If you would like to get involved as either a contributor or a sponsor, please contact us to find out more.To view the site – visit